Software Projects

Arcaweb has completed numerous projects over the years, here are some of the most recent ones:

Recent Collaborations


Municipal and Cantonal Elections

Arcaweb has secured a second contract from RSI for the development of software dedicated to the graphical visualization of electoral data. Through impeccable teamwork, the team has made it possible to offer the public a clear and real-time overview of the political situation in the canton of Ticino, accessible through the RSI portal. The developed software strictly adheres to the company's technical and graphical guidelines, ensuring an optimal user experience that is easy to understand. Read all

Rivista di Lugano


The historic Rivista has entrusted Arcaweb with the task of developing the digital part of the magazine, with the goal of increasing presence on social media and visibility in search engines. Arcaweb worked to create a new and modern design, in line with the latest trends and fully responsive. Additionally, a custom CMS was developed for managing content and access to the digital magazine, ensuring an optimal user experience. To further enhance the reading experience, the digital reading platform PressReader, a leader in the digital publications sector, was integrated. Through this collaboration, the Rivista will be able to offer its readers an innovative and cutting-edge way of consuming content.


Android/iOS app

Arcaweb has recently been commissioned by laRegione, a well-known newspaper in Ticino, for the development and continuous updating of their existing news app. Thanks to this partnership, the app has undergone significant improvements, including the native integration of the digital edition and advertising platforms. Furthermore, greater flexibility in content management has been implemented, allowing for more independent and efficient changes, resulting in cost savings on future maintenance. This project has proven to be a success, leading to an enhanced user experience and increased profitability.

Commercial Software


A web library for publishing interactive vector maps and displaying geographic data.


Enterprise management software for invoicing. Read all


Centralized messaging system.


Software for digital form compilation.


Software for managing digital patient records.


System for managing and publishing interactive statistical charts.


Software for managing employees, time tracking, and advanced reporting.


Android and iOS application for obstetrics, pregnancy calendar, and fertility.


CMS/backend suite for managing and publishing editorial content for newspapers, magazines, and blogs.


A super-fast multilingual backend/frontend CMS designed for developers, based entirely on the filesystem, performant, secure, SEO-optimized, with artificial intelligence support.

See also
ND-CMS: The Next-Generation CMS with Artificial Intelligence

Research and Development

Redact AI

Showcase software for exploring editorial content support with generative artificial intelligence.

ML Vision

Demonstration of interactive body movement tracking through digital vision.


Real-time high-resolution multichannel acoustic analysis software with advanced microphone calibration system. Read all

Open Source


PHP framework for creating Rest APIs

Github project


Library for managing interactive layouts

Github project